var isPreview = false; var Ostartpan; var Ostarttilt; var Ostartfov; var GeometryType = "cube"; var HspotIndex = 1; var selectedskin = 0; var selectedskinurl = ""; var oldskinurl = 0; var snapashotguid; var mobile = new Object(); $(document).ready(function () { if (getQueryVariable("from") != "apps") { $("#btnBackToMap").attr("style", "display:none !important"); } if (window.location.toString().indexOf("type") > -1) { $("#btnBackToMap").text(btnBackText); } $("#btnBackToMap").click(function () { var sendurl = "Search.aspx?culture=" + culture; var url = window.location.toString(); if (url.indexOf("type") > -1) { sendurl = "../CreatedLinks.aspx"; } else if (url.indexOf("login") > -1) { sendurl = "../DroneViewBankSearch.aspx"; } window.location.href = sendurl; }); $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); function CallExisting() { var orderId = getQueryVariable("orderid"); if (orderId != "") { GetExistingHotspots(orderId); $("#hdSavefov").val(Ostartpan); $("#hdSavepitch").val(Ostarttilt); $("#hdSaveyaw").val(Ostartfov); setSaveView(); } } setTimeout(CallExisting(), 11000); canvasWidth = $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0]).width(); canvasHeight = $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0]).height(); // For mobile if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { mobile.matches = 1; } // For iPad else if (/iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { mobile.matches = 2; } // For desktop else { mobile.matches = 3; } if (mobile.matches == 1 || mobile.matches == 2) { // put your code $("#showMore").hide(); //$("#showLess").hide(); $("#show-hideText").show(); $('.blue2_droneview111').click(function () { $("#showMore").hide(); $("#showLess").hide(); if ($(this).attr('src') == '../images/instruction-hide.png') { $(this).attr('src', '../images/instruction-show.png');//change the button label to be 'Hide'. $('.list-unstyled').slideUp(1000); $("#showMore").show(); } else { $(this).attr('src', '../images/instruction-hide.png');//change the button label to be 'Show' $('.list-unstyled').slideDown(1000); $("#showLess").show(); } }); $("#btnFake").attr("style", "display:none !important");//In mobile set this button display none, it will remove space from top header } else { $('.blue2_droneview111').hide(); $("#show-hideText").hide(); } $("#aHotSpot1").click(function () { hotspotimagename = "hs_center"; hotspotcategoryname = ""; GetHotSpotPosition(); emptyHotspotNametextbox(); $("#txtVideoUrl").val(""); hotspotid = ""; AddHotSpotToCollection(); }); $("#aHotSpot2").click(function () { hotspotimagename = "hs_left"; GetHotSpotPosition(); emptyHotspotNametextbox(); $("#txtVideoUrl").val(""); hotspotid = ""; AddHotSpotToCollection(); }); $("#aHotSpot3").click(function () { hotspotimagename = "hs_right"; GetHotSpotPosition(); emptyHotspotNametextbox(); $("#txtVideoUrl").val(""); hotspotid = ""; AddHotSpotToCollection(); }); $("#aHotSpotCircle").click(function () { hotspotimagename = "hs_hviewIndoor"; GetHotSpotPosition(); emptyHotspotNametextbox(); $("#txtVideoUrl").val(""); hotspotid = ""; AddHotSpotToCollection(); $('.out').css('border', '5px solid ' + + ''); $('.in-2').css('background-color', '' + + ''); }); $('#aLeftArrow').click(function (e) { if (currentPage <= 1 || (hotspotpan != "" && hotspottilt != "" && hotspotfov != "")) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } currentPage = currentPage - 1; $("#spanPageNo").text(currentPage); $("#txtHotSpotName").val(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotname); view.setYaw(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.position.yaw); view.setPitch(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.position.pitch); view.setFov(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.position.fov); }); $('#aRightArrow').click(function (e) { if (currentPage >= jsonHotSpot.length || (hotspotpan != "" && hotspottilt != "" && hotspotfov != "")) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } currentPage = currentPage + 1; $("#spanPageNo").text(currentPage); $("#txtHotSpotName").val(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotname); view.setYaw(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.position.yaw); view.setPitch(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.position.pitch); view.setFov(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.position.fov); //selectHotspotCategory(currentPage); }); $("#aTop").click(function () { if (currentPage != 0) { marzipanoHotspot = jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot; marzipanoHotspot.position.pitch = marzipanoHotspot.position.pitch - 0.05; $("div").remove('#' + jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.wrapperId); addSpotOnPosition(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspoturltarget, jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspoturl, scene, marzipanoHotspot, true, true); jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspottilt = (180 / 3.14159) * parseFloat(marzipanoHotspot.position.pitch); } }); $("#aBottom").click(function () { if (currentPage != 0) { marzipanoHotspot = jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot; marzipanoHotspot.position.pitch = marzipanoHotspot.position.pitch + 0.05; $("div").remove('#' + jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.wrapperId); addSpotOnPosition(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspoturltarget, jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspoturl, scene, marzipanoHotspot, true, true); jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspottilt = (180 / 3.14159) * parseFloat(marzipanoHotspot.position.pitch); } }); $("#aLeft").click(function () { if (currentPage != 0) { marzipanoHotspot = jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot; marzipanoHotspot.position.yaw = marzipanoHotspot.position.yaw - 0.05; $("div").remove('#' + jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.wrapperId); addSpotOnPosition(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspoturltarget, jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspoturl, scene, marzipanoHotspot, true, true); jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotpan = (180 / 3.14159) * parseFloat(marzipanoHotspot.position.yaw); } }); $("#aRight").click(function () { if (currentPage != 0) { marzipanoHotspot = jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot; marzipanoHotspot.position.yaw = marzipanoHotspot.position.yaw + 0.05; $("div").remove('#' + jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.wrapperId); addSpotOnPosition(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspoturltarget, jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspoturl, scene, marzipanoHotspot, true, true); jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotpan = (180 / 3.14159) * parseFloat(marzipanoHotspot.position.yaw); } }); $("#btnNextCustomIcons").click(function () { $("#divCustomIcon").hide(); $("#divCustomIconSpecific").show(); $("#btnNextCustomIcons").hide(); $("#btnbackCustomIcons").show(); }); $("#btnbackCustomIcons").click(function () { $("#divCustomIcon").show(); $("#divCustomIconSpecific").hide(); $("#btnNextCustomIcons").show(); $("#btnbackCustomIcons").hide(); }); $("#btnSkin").click(function () { getGenericSkin(); $("#divGenericSkins").modal('show'); }); $("#btnCancelProfileSkin,#btnCloseProfileSkin").click(function () { $("#divGenericSkins").modal('hide'); selectedskin = 0; selectedskinurl = ""; }); $("#btnSaveProfileSkin").click(function () { $("#divGenericSkins").modal('hide'); if (selectedskin > 0) { oldskinurl = $("#hdSkinBaseUrl").val(); $("#hdSkinBaseUrl").val(selectedskinurl); $("#hdSkinId").val(selectedskin); getMarzipanoskinDetail(); changeCustomIcons(); changeIconsOnPanorama(); } }); setSettingsPopupHeight(); }); function getQueryVariable(variable) { var query =; var vars = query.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { var pair = vars[i].split('='); if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) { return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); } } return ""; } function RequestSnapshot() { //$(".lblContinueError").hide().text(""); //if (jsonHotSpot.length == 0) { // $(".lblContinueError").show(); // $(".lblContinueError").text("Please select atleast one hotspot"); // return false; //} GetSnapshotStartPosition(); var lstHotspots = []; for (var index in jsonHotSpot) { var coords = view.coordinatesToScreen(jsonHotSpot[index].marzipanoHotspot.position); lstHotspots.push( { hotspotfov: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotfov, hotspotpan: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotpan, hotspottilt: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspottilt, hotspotimagename: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotimagename, hotspotname: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotname, pointX: null ? 0 : coords.x, pointY: null ? 0 : coords.y, percentX: null ? 0 : coords.x / canvasWidth * 100, percentY: null ? 0 : coords.y / canvasHeight * 100, hotspoturl: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspoturl, hotspoturltarget: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspoturltarget, hotspotcategoryvalue: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotcategoryvalue, marzipanoHotspot: jsonHotSpot[index].marzipanoHotspot, hotspotcomments: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotcomments }); } var startParameters = "&startpan=" + startpan + "&starttilt=" + starttilt + "&startfov=" + startfov + "&geometrytype=" + GeometryType + "&skinid=" + skinid()+"&culture=" + culture; var response = MakeSyncWebCall(urlToHit + startParameters, JSON.stringify(lstHotspots), "post"); if (response != null && response.isSuccessful) { var urlToAppend =; if (urlToAppend.indexOf('culture') < 0) { urlToAppend += "&culture=" + culture; } //UrlReferrer = $.trim(UrlReferrer); //if (UrlReferrer == null || UrlReferrer == '') { // UrlReferrer = ""; //} var windowurl = ""; if (getQueryVariable("orderid") == "") windowurl = clientPath + "consumer/Payment.aspx" + urlToAppend + "&orderid=" + response.snapshotGuid;// + "&UrlReferrer=" + UrlReferrer; else windowurl = clientPath + "consumer/Payment.aspx" + urlToAppend; if (getQueryVariable("from") == "apps" && isLogin == 'False') {; } else { window.location = windowurl; } } //else { // $(".lblContinueError").show().text("Some error occured.\n" + response.error_message); //} } function GetHotSpotPosition() { if (isMarzipanoAllowed() == "True") { position = { yaw: view.yaw(), pitch: view.pitch(), fov: view.fov() }; hotspotpan = (180 / 3.14159) * parseFloat(view.yaw()); hotspottilt = (180 / 3.14159) * parseFloat(view.pitch()); hotspotfov = view.fov(); } else { hotspotpan = pano.getPan(); hotspottilt = pano.getTilt(); hotspotfov = pano.getFov(); } } function AddCustomHotSpot(hotspottitle, hotspotpan, hotspottilt, hotspotimagename) { if (view != null) { var position; if (hotspotpan != "" && hotspotpan != undefined && hotspotpan != null) { position = { yaw: (hotspotpan * 3.14159) / 180, pitch: (hotspottilt * 3.14159) / 180, fov: view.fov() }; } else { position = { yaw: view.yaw(), pitch: view.pitch(), fov: view.fov() }; } //var coords = view.coordinatesToScreen(position); var marzipanoHotspot = { HspotIndex: HspotIndex, position: position, imagePath: hotspotimagename, title: hotspottitle //xyCoordinates: // { // X: coords == null ? 0 : coords.x, // Y: coords == null ? 0 : coords.y, // percentX: coords == null ? 0 : coords.x / canvasWidth * 100, // percentY: coords == null ? 0 : coords.y / canvasHeight * 100 // } }; marzipanoHotspot = addNewHotSpot('', '', scene, marzipanoHotspot); return marzipanoHotspot; } } function ValidateHotspotName() { jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotname = $("#txtHotSpotName").val(); jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.title = jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotname; UpdateMarzipanoHotspotTitle(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].marzipanoHotspot.hotspotTitleId, jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotname); if ($("#txtHotSpotName").val() == "") { $("#lblHotspotPlaceholder").show(); } } function ValidateHotspotNameWithEnter(e) { // look for window.event in case event isn't passed in if (typeof e == 'undefined' && window.event) { e = window.event; } if (e.keyCode == 13) { ValidateHotspotName(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } } function AddHotSpotToCollection() { var marzipanoHotspot = {}; marzipanoHotspot = AddCustomHotSpot($("#txtHotSpotName").val(), hotspotpan, hotspottilt, hotspotimagename); //var coords = view.coordinatesToScreen(marzipanoHotspot.position); jsonHotSpot.push({ hotspotname: $("#txtHotSpotName").val(), hotspotpan: hotspotpan, hotspottilt: hotspottilt, hotspotfov: hotspotfov, hotspotimagename: hotspotimagename, hotspoturl: hotspoturl, hotspotid: hotspotId, hotspoturltarget: hotspoturltarget, hotspotcategoryname: hotspotcategoryname, hotspotcategorydisplayname: hotspotcategorydisplayname, marzipanoHotspot: marzipanoHotspot, hotspottype: 0 //xyCoordinates: // { // X: coords == null ? 0 : coords.x, // Y: coords == null ? 0 : coords.y, // percentX: coords == null ? 0 : coords.x / canvasWidth * 100, // percentY: coords == null ? 0 : coords.y / canvasHeight * 100 // } }); currentPage = jsonHotSpot.length; $("#spanPageNo").text(currentPage); hotspotpan = ""; hotspottilt = ""; hotspotfov = ""; hotspotimagename = ""; hotspoturl = ""; hotspoturltarget = ""; hotspotcategoryname = ""; hotspotcategorydisplayname = ""; emptyHotspotNametextbox(); } //function OpenHotspotContainer(hotSpotImage) { // var $objCont = $('#cntHotspotText'); // $objCont.slideDown('slow'); // $("#txtHotSpotName").val('').removeClass('valid'); // $('#txtHotspotText').val(''); // $("#cntHotSpotButtons").slideUp('slow'); // GetHotSpotPosition(); // AddHotSpotToCollection(false, hotSpotImage); //} function DeleteHotSpotFromCollection() { if (currentPage != 0) { var id = jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotid; if (id != "") { if (deleteHotspotId == "") { deleteHotspotId = id; } else { deleteHotspotId = deleteHotspotId + "," + id; } } RemoveHotspot(currentPage - 1); jsonHotSpot.splice(currentPage - 1, 1); currentPage = currentPage - 1; $("#spanPageNo").text(currentPage); if (jsonHotSpot.length < 1) { emptyHotspotNametextbox(); $("#txtVideoUrl").val(""); } else if (currentPage < 1) { currentPage = 1; $("#spanPageNo").text(currentPage); $("#txtHotSpotName").val(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotname); } else { $("#txtHotSpotName").val(jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotname); if (jsonHotSpot[currentPage - 1].hotspotname != "") { onFocus(); } else { emptyHotspotNametextbox(); } } } } function onFocus() { $("#txtHotSpotName").focus(); } function GetSnapshotStartPosition() { startpan = (view.yaw() * 180) / 3.14159; starttilt = (view.pitch() * 180) / 3.14159; startfov = (view.fov() * 180) / 3.14159; } function RemoveHotspot(currentIndex) { $("div").remove('#' + jsonHotSpot[currentIndex].marzipanoHotspot.wrapperId); } var height = parseInt($('#pano').width() / 1.5); $('#div_Marzipano').height(height + 'px'); $(window).resize(function () { $('#div_Marzipano').height($('#pano').width() / 1.5 + 'px'); }); //Marzipano start customization //var isMouseMove = false; //var MarzipanoSkinDetail = {}; //var view; //var autorotate, hotspotId; //var Marzipano = window.Marzipano; // Create viewer. //var startYaw = $('#hdn_startYaw').val(), startPitch = $('#hdn_startPitch').val(), startFov = $('#hdn_startFov').val(); //var initialView = { // yaw: startYaw, // pitch: startPitch, // fov: startFov //}; //var scene; //var viewer = new Marzipano.Viewer(document.getElementById('pano')); //var fullscreenToggleElement = document.querySelector('#fullscreenToggles'); //MarzipanoSkinDetail = $.parseJSON($('#hdMarzipanoSkinDetail').val()); //'use strict'; //var imagesPath = $("#hdmarzipanoimgUrl").val(); //var source = Marzipano.ImageUrlSource.fromString( // imagesPath //); //var geometry; //geometry = new Marzipano.CubeGeometry([{ tileSize: 256, size: 256, fallbackOnly: true }, { size: 1024, tileSize: 1024 }]); //if ( == false) { // $("#addhotspotpanel").hide(); // $("#descriptionpanel").css({ "color": "red", "font-size": "17pt" }).addClass("col-md-12").text("This panorama does not support HD snapshot."); //} //var limiter = Marzipano.util.compose // ( // Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.vfov($('#hdn_minFov').val(), toureSkinType == 2 ? 2.5 : $('#hdn_maxFov').val()), // Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.hfov($('#hdn_minFov').val(), toureSkinType == 2 ? 2.5 : $('#hdn_maxFov').val()), // Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.pitch(-Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2) // ); //view = new Marzipano.RectilinearView(initialView, limiter); //scene = viewer.createScene({ // source: source, // geometry: geometry, // view: view, // pinFirstLevel: true //}); //var settings = { // "mouseViewMode": "drag", // "autorotateEnabled": false, // "fullscreenButton": true, // "viewControlButtons": false //}; //scene.switchTo(); //$('#div_Marzipano').bind('drag', function () { // $('.line').css({ 'width': '0px', 'height': '0px', 'background-color': '' }); // screenfull.toggle(this); //}); //function toggleFullscreen() { // $('#div_Marzipano').trigger('drag'); //} function ReturnToHitta() { if (hittaReturnPath != '') { window.location = hittaReturnPath; } else { window.close(); } } // Prevent touch and scroll events from reaching the parent element. //function stopTouchAndScrollEventPropagation(element, eventList) { // var eventList = ['touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel', // 'wheel', 'mousewheel']; // for (var i = 0; i < eventList.length; i++) { // element.addEventListener(eventList[i], function (event) { // event.stopPropagation(); // }); // } //} //============ hot spot region ============== //function addNewHotSpot(target, hotspoturl, sceneId, marzipanoHotspot, customClassName) { // marzipanoHotspot = addSpotOnPosition(target, hotspoturl, sceneId, marzipanoHotspot, true, false, customClassName); // HspotIndex += 1; // return marzipanoHotspot; //} //function updateCompass() { // var panDiff = $('#hdn_panNorth').val(); // var pan = ((-1) * (view.yaw() * 180) / 3.14159) - panDiff; // var compassAngle = (-1.0 * (1 * pan + 0)); // $('#divCompassNiddle').css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left': '-1px', 'top': '-2px', 'width': '83px', 'height': '83px', 'transform': 'rotate(' + compassAngle + 'deg)' }); //} function AddHotspotForSnapshot(target, hotspoturl, hotspottitle, hotspotpan, hotspottilt, hotspotimagename) { if (isMarzipanoAllowed() == 'True') { var position; if (hotspotpan != "" && hotspotpan != undefined && hotspotpan != null) { position = { yaw: (hotspotpan * (22 / 7)) / 180, pitch: (hotspottilt * (22 / 7)) / 180, fov: view.fov() }; } else { position = { yaw: view.yaw(), pitch: view.pitch(), fov: view.fov() }; } var marzipanoHotspot = { HspotIndex: HspotIndex, position: position, imagePath: hotspotimagename, title: hotspottitle }; marzipanoHotspot = addNewHotSpot(target, hotspoturl, scene, marzipanoHotspot); return marzipanoHotspot; } } function GetExistingHotspots(orderId) { var urlToGet = clientPath + 'api/Snapshot/GetSnapshotHotspots?orderGuid=' + orderId; var response = MakeSyncWebCall(urlToGet, "", "Get"); if (response != null) { Ostartpan = startpan = response.startpan; Ostarttilt = starttilt = response.starttilt; Ostartfov = startfov = response.startfov; $("#hdSkinId").val(response.skinid); selectedskin = response.skinid; getMarzipanoskinDetail(); oldskinurl = SkinBaseUrl(); var version = == "0" ? "" : "/" ; $("#hdSkinBaseUrl").val(basepath + + version + "/"); selectedskinurl = SkinBaseUrl(); changeCustomIcons(); changeIconsOnPanorama(); response =; for (var index in response) { var marzipanoHotspot= AddCustomHotSpot(response[index].hotspotname, response[index].hotspotpan, response[index].hotspottilt, response[index].hotspotimagename); //var position = { // yaw: (response[index].hotspotpan * 3.14159) / 180, // pitch: (response[index].hotspottilt * 3.14159) / 180, // fov: response[index].hotspotfov //}; jsonHotSpot.push({ hotspotname: response[index].hotspotname, hotspotpan: response[index].hotspotpan, hotspottilt: response[index].hotspottilt, hotspotfov: response[index].hotspotfov, hotspotimagename: response[index].hotspotimagename, hotspoturl: response[index].hotspoturl, hotspoturltarget: response[index].hotspoturltarget, hotspotcategoryvalue: response[index].hotspotcategoryvalue, hotspotcomments: response[index].hotspotcomments, hotspotid: 'hotspotId_' + (parseInt(index) + 1), //xyCoordinates: { // X: response[index].pointX, // Y: response[index].pointY, // percentX: response[index].percentX, // percentY: response[index].percentY //}, marzipanoHotspot:marzipanoHotspot }); } //setView(); currentPage = jsonHotSpot.length; $("#spanPageNo").text(currentPage) //$("#spanPageNo").text(currentPage); $('.out').css('border', '5px solid ' + + ''); $('.in-2').css('background-color', '' + + ''); } } //Marzipano start customization end function setSaveView() { view.setYaw((Ostartpan * 3.14159) / 180); view.setPitch((Ostarttilt * 3.14159) / 180); view.setFov((Ostartfov * 3.14159) / 180); } function setSettingsPopupHeight() { if (mobile.matches == 3) { $('.pano-iframe-height').css({ 'height': (($(window).height()) - 145) + 'px' }); $(window).bind('resize', function () { $('.pano-iframe-height').css({ 'height': (($(window).height()) - 145) + 'px' }); }); } // For ipad else if (mobile.matches == 2) { $('.pano-iframe-height').css({ 'height': (($(window).height()) - 205) + 'px' }); $(window).bind('resize', function () { $('.pano-iframe-height').css({ 'height': (($(window).height()) - 205) + 'px' }); }); $("#txtHotSpotName").prop('readonly', false); } } function emptyHotspotNametextbox() { $("#txtHotSpotName").val(""); $("#lblHotspotPlaceholder").show(); } function addSpecialHotspot(categoryvalue, categoryname) { $("#pHotSpotText").show(); $("#pHotSpotStart").show(); hotspotimagename = "hs_" + categoryvalue; hotspotcategoryname = categoryvalue; hotspotcategorydisplayname = categoryname; GetHotSpotPosition(); emptyHotspotNametextbox(); $("#txtVideoUrl").val(""); hotspotid = ""; $("#txtHotSpotName").val(categoryname); AddHotSpotToCollection(); $("#txtHotSpotName").val(categoryname);;//This is added twice as emptyHotspotNametextbox() is called again in AddHotSpotToCollection() and it clears the textbox $("#divCustomIcons").modal('hide'); } function getGenericSkin() { var url = "../api/consumer/genericskin?isgenericskin=1"; var response = MakeSyncWebCall(url, "{}", "get"); var html = ""; $.each(response, function (key, value) { html += ''; html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; }); $("#divGenericSkinsHtml").html(html); $(".skincheckbox").click(function () { $(".skincheckbox").prop('checked', false) $(this).prop('checked', true); selectedskin = $(this).val(); selectedskinurl = $(this).attr("skinurl") }); } function getMarzipanoskinDetail() { var url = "../api/consumer/getmarzipanoskindetail?panobankguid=" + PanoBankGuid() + "&skinid=" + skinid(); var response = MakeSyncWebCall(url, "{}", "get"); $("#hdMarzipanoSkinDetail").val(response); MarzipanoSkinDetail = $.parseJSON($('#hdMarzipanoSkinDetail').val()); } function changeCustomIcons() { $('#divCustomIcon').find("img").each(function (index) { var src = $(this).prop('src'); src = src.replace(oldskinurl, selectedskinurl); $(this).attr('src', src); }); } function changeIconsOnPanorama() { $.each(jsonHotSpot, function (ind, dat) { RemoveHotspot(ind); var marzipanoHotspot = {}; marzipanoHotspot = AddCustomHotSpot(dat.hotspotname, dat.hotspotpan, dat.hotspottilt, dat.hotspotimagename,, dat.hotspoturl); dat.marzipanoHotspot = marzipanoHotspot; }); $('.out').css('border', '5px solid ' + + ''); $('.in-2').css('background-color', '' + + ''); } var autorotateToggleElement = document.querySelector('#autorotateToggles'); // Set up autorotate, if enabled. autorotate = Marzipano.autorotate({ yawSpeed: 0.03, targetPitch: null, targetFov: Math.PI / 2 }); autorotateToggleElement.classList.add('enabled'); window.setTimeout(function () { startAutorotate(); }, 500); window.setTimeout(function () { stopAutorotate(); }, 600); function getFree() { if (isLogin == 'True') { $("#txtEmail").val($("#hdEmail").val()); $("#divOrderSnapshot").modal('hide'); $("#btnCreateFree").click(); } else { $("#divOrderSnapshot").modal('hide'); $("#divCreateSnapshot").modal('show'); } } function cancelFree() { $("#divOrderSnapshot").modal('show'); $("#divCreateSnapshot").modal('hide'); } function addFreeSnapshot() { GetSnapshotStartPosition(); var lstHotspots = []; for (var index in jsonHotSpot) { var coords = view.coordinatesToScreen(jsonHotSpot[index].marzipanoHotspot.position); lstHotspots.push( { hotspotfov: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotfov, hotspotpan: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotpan, hotspottilt: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspottilt, hotspotimagename: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotimagename, hotspotname: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotname, pointX: null ? 0 : coords.x, pointY: null ? 0 : coords.y, percentX: null ? 0 : coords.x / canvasWidth * 100, percentY: null ? 0 : coords.y / canvasHeight * 100, hotspoturl: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspoturl, hotspoturltarget: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspoturltarget, hotspotcategoryvalue: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotcategoryvalue, marzipanoHotspot: jsonHotSpot[index].marzipanoHotspot, hotspotcomments: jsonHotSpot[index].hotspotcomments }); } var startParameters = "&startpan=" + startpan + "&starttilt=" + starttilt + "&startfov=" + startfov + "&geometrytype=" + GeometryType + "&skinid=" + skinid() + "&culture="+culture; var response = MakeSyncWebCall(urlToHit + startParameters, JSON.stringify(lstHotspots), "post"); if (response != null && response.isSuccessful) { var orderId = response.snapshotGuid; var urlUpdateToHit = clientPath + "api/Snapshot/UpdateEmailAddress?orderid=" + orderId + "&email=" + $.trim($("#txtEmail").val()) + "&title=flyover"; var responseUpdate = MakeSyncWebCall(urlUpdateToHit, {}, "post"); if (responseUpdate == 200) { var urlpushSnaphotToHit =clientPath+ "api/Snapshot/pushSnaphotToAmazonBucket?orderId=" + orderId; var responsepushSnaphot = MakeSyncWebCall(urlpushSnaphotToHit, {}, "post"); if (responsepushSnaphot != '') { var viteccustomerid = ''; var vitecuserid = ''; var vitecestatetype = ''; var vitecorderid = ''; var mspec = ''; var objectid = ''; var watermark = "1"; var urlSnapshototherinfo = clientPath+"api/Snapshot/AddSnapshototherinfo?snapshotguid=" + orderId + "&objectid=" + objectid + "&vitecuserid=" + vitecuserid + "&vitecestatetype=" + vitecestatetype + "&viteccustomerid=" + viteccustomerid + "&vitecorderid=" + vitecorderid + "&mspec=" + mspec + "&watermark=" + watermark; var responseSnapshototherinfo = MakeSyncWebCall(urlSnapshototherinfo, {}, "post"); if (responseSnapshototherinfo == 200) { $("#divCreateSnapshot").modal('hide'); showSuccessMessage(snapshotSuccessMsg); if (isLogin == 'True') { setTimeout(function () { window.location.href="../Dashboard.aspx" }, 3010); } } } } } } function showSuccessMessage(text) { $("#messageText").html(text); $("#divSucessMessage").modal('show'); setTimeout(function () { $("#divSucessMessage").modal('hide'); }, 3000); }