var isHotspotClick = false; var marzipanomap; var marzipanoRadar = null, infoPopupWindowId = ''; var HspotIndex = 1; var pageName = window.location.href; //var allowPanoClick = false; var isMouseMove = false, isPanoView = false; var MarzipanoSkinDetail = {}; var view; var autorotate, hotspotId; var Marzipano = window.Marzipano; var mobile1 = new Object(); // Create viewer. var startYaw = $('#hdn_startYaw').val(), startPitch = $('#hdn_startPitch').val(), startFov = $('#hdn_startFov').val(); if ((toureSkinType == 2 && startFov == "0") || cameratype == 2 || cameratype == 3) { startFov = $('#hdn_maxFov').val(); } var initialView = { yaw: startYaw, pitch: startPitch, fov: startFov }; var controls, VRredirectURL; $(document).ready(function () { if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { mobile1.matches = 1; } // For iPad else if (/iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { mobile1.matches = 2; } // For desktop else { mobile1.matches = 3; } //if (isMarzipanoAllowed() == "True" && isPanoPublished() == 'True') { if (isMarzipanoAllowed() == "True") { VRredirectURL = location.href + "&isVrDisplay=true";// "PreviewTour.aspx?panoguid=" + returnQueryString("panoguid") + "&tourid=" + $("#hdTourid").val() + "&isVrDisplay=true"; if (pageName.toLowerCase().indexOf('tour.aspx') > -1) { isPanoView = false } else { isPanoView = true; } if (typeof isVRView == 'undefined') { displayMarzipanoView(); } else { displayVrView(); } //======================================================= controls = viewer.controls(); var viewInElement = document.querySelector('#viewIn'); var viewOutElement = document.querySelector('#viewOut'); if (viewInElement != null) { controls.registerMethod('inElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewInElement, 'zoom', -velocity, friction), true); } if (viewOutElement != null) { controls.registerMethod('outElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewOutElement, 'zoom', velocity, friction), true); } var viewInNewTourElement = document.querySelector('#viewInNewTour'); var viewOutNewTourElement = document.querySelector('#viewOutNewTour'); if (viewInNewTourElement != null) { controls.registerMethod('inElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewInNewTourElement, 'zoom', -velocity, friction), true); } if (viewOutNewTourElement != null) { controls.registerMethod('outElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewOutNewTourElement, 'zoom', velocity, friction), true); } //========================================================= var viewerElement = document.getElementById('pano'); if (viewer != null) { viewer.addEventListener('viewChange', function () { addSniperHotSpot(); //resetRightLevelPosition(); updateCompass(); }); } if (isMapAllowed != false) { window.addEventListener('load', initMarzipanoMap); //google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initMarzipanoMap); } if (viewSnipper() == false && skinid() != 92 && skinid() != 102) { toggleAutorotate(); } if (!mql.matches || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null) { $('#DIV_VRTogglesTour2').hide(); } else { $('#DIV_VRTogglesTour2').show(); } if (mql.matches == true) { $('#fullscreenToggles').hide(); } else { $("#viewIn").css('visibility', 'visible'); $("#viewOut").css('visibility', 'visible'); } if (window.location != window.parent.location && $('#div_Marzipano').width() <= 500) { window.setTimeout(function () { if (jsonHotSpot.length > 0) { $('.bx-viewport').hide(); } }, 500); } $("#marzimapPopUp").on("", function () { google.maps.event.trigger(marzipanomap, "resize"); var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(panolatitude(), panolongitude()); marzipanomap.setCenter(latlng); }); } if ($("#hdShowWatermark").val() == "1") { $('#pano').append('
'); } }); function updateMarzipanoRadar() { if ((!activeNodeLatLng) || (!pano) || (!marzipanomap)) return; var d2r = Math.PI / 180; var r2d = 180 / Math.PI; var fov = (view.fov() * 180) / 3.14159; var panDiff = $('#hdn_panNorth').val(); var pan = ((-1) * (view.yaw() * 180) / 3.14159) - panDiff; var zoom = marzipanomap.getZoom(); if (((panolatitude() != 0) || (panolongitude() != 0))) { if (zoom < 6) zoom = 6; // avoid large radar beams on world map if ((fov == lastFov) && (pan == lastPan) && (zoom == lastZoom) && (panolatitude() == && (panolongitude() == activeNodeLatLng.lng())) return; // nothing to do lastPan = pan; lastFov = fov; lastZoom = zoom; activeNodeLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(panolatitude(), panolongitude()); var rLat = 4.0 * r2d / Math.pow(2, zoom); // beam size var rLng = rLat / Math.cos( * d2r); // generate radar fan for fov var radar_poly = new Array(); radar_poly.push(activeNodeLatLng); var segments = 5; for (i = -segments; i <= segments; i++) { var angle = (fov / (2 * segments)) * i; var x = -rLng * Math.sin((pan + angle) * d2r) + activeNodeLatLng.lng(); var y = rLat * Math.cos((pan + angle) * d2r) +; radar_poly.push(new google.maps.LatLng(y, x)); } // clear old radar if (marzipanoRadar) { marzipanoRadar.setMap(null); marzipanoRadar = null; } // show radar marzipanoRadar = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: radar_poly, strokeColor: "#000000", strokeOpacity: 0.8, strokeWeight: 1, fillColor: "#000000", fillOpacity: 0.35 }); marzipanoRadar.setMap(marzipanomap); } else { // clear radar if (marzipanoRadar) { activeNodeLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0); marzipanoRadar.setMap(null); marzipanoRadar = null; } } } if (window.matchMedia) { var setMode = function () { if (mql.matches) { document.body.classList.remove('desktop'); document.body.classList.add('mobile'); } else { document.body.classList.remove('mobile'); document.body.classList.add('desktop'); } }; var mql = new Object();// matchMedia("(max-width: 500px), (max-height: 500px)"); if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { mql.matches = true; } else { const ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (ua.indexOf('macintosh') > -1 && ('ontouchend' in document)) { mql.matches = true; } else { mql.matches = false; } } setMode(); //mql.addListener(setMode); } else { document.body.classList.add('desktop'); } // Detect whether we are on a touch device. document.body.classList.add('no-touch'); window.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { document.body.classList.remove('no-touch'); document.body.classList.add('touch'); }); if ($('#hdMarzipanoSkinDetail').val() != '') { //var screenfull = window.screenfull; MarzipanoSkinDetail = $.parseJSON($('#hdMarzipanoSkinDetail').val()); 'use strict'; infoPopupWindowId =; //if ( == 2) { // infoPopupWindowId = 'info_popUpFreemium'; //} var subscriptiontype =; var showInfoButton =; var showzoombutton =; var showsharebutton =; var showcopyright =; //============= info button will not be visible for online users =========== //if (showInfoButton == true && subscriptiontype != 2 && subscriptiontype != 3 && subscriptiontype != 4 && subscriptiontype != 5) { if (showInfoButton == true) { $('#aInfoWindow').show(); } if ($('#hdn_panNorth').val() == '0' && pageName.toLowerCase().indexOf('downloadpanobankimages.aspx') == -1) { $('.compass').css("visibility", "hidden"); } if (showzoombutton == true) { $('#div_ViewIn').show(); $('#div_ViewOut').show(); } else { $('#div_ViewIn').hide(); $('#div_ViewOut').hide(); } if (showsharebutton == true) { $('#social-media').show(); } else { $('#social-media').hide(); } var showHotspotTitleBorder =; var scene; var viewer; var imagesPath = $('#hdmarzipanoimgUrl').val();// GetMarzipanoImageBasePath() + "/" + $.trim([0].countrycode) + "/" + $.trim([0].panobankguid) + "/" +[0].marzipanoImageName + "_{f}.jpg";//"panoimages/test" + "_" + "{f}.jpg"; var previewImagesPath = $('#hdmarzipanoimgUrl').val().replace('{f}', 'preview'); var source = Marzipano.ImageUrlSource.fromString( imagesPath, { cubeMapPreviewUrl: previewImagesPath, cubeMapPreviewFaceOrder: 'fdrblu' } ); var geometry; if ( == true) { if ($('#hdnPreviewSingleImageUrl').val() != "") { source = new Marzipano.ImageUrlSource(function (tile) { if (tile.z === 0) { return { url: $('#hdnPreviewSingleImageUrl').val() }; } else { return { url: imagesPath }; } }); } geometry = new Marzipano.EquirectGeometry([{ width: 256 }, { width: 4000 }]); } else { geometry = new Marzipano.CubeGeometry([{ tileSize: 256, size: 256, fallbackOnly: true }, { size: 1024, tileSize: 1024 }]); } var limiter; if ([0].isrestrictview == true) { limiter = Marzipano.util.compose ( Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.vfov($('#hdn_minFov').val(), $('#hdn_maxFov').val()), Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.hfov($('#hdn_minFov').val(), Math.PI / 2), Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.pitch($('#hdn_minFov').val(), Math.PI / 2) ); } else if (checkIframRequest() == true) { limiter = Marzipano.util.compose ( Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.vfov($('#hdn_minFov').val(), $('#hdn_maxFov').val()), Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.hfov($('#hdn_minFov').val(), $('#hdn_maxFov').val()), Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.pitch($('#hdn_minFov').val(), $('#hdn_minFov').val()) ); } else { limiter = Marzipano.util.compose ( Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.vfov($('#hdn_minFov').val(), $('#hdn_maxFov').val()), Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.hfov($('#hdn_minFov').val(), $('#hdn_maxFov').val()), Marzipano.RectilinearView.limit.pitch(-Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2) ); } var settings = { "mouseViewMode": "drag", "autorotateEnabled": false, "fullscreenButton": true, "viewControlButtons": false }; var fullscreenToggleElement = document.querySelector('#fullscreenToggles'); if (fullscreenToggleElement != null) { fullscreenToggleElement.addEventListener('click', toggleFullscreen); } var fullscreenToggleElementTour2 = document.querySelector('#fullscreenTogglesTour2'); if (fullscreenToggleElementTour2 != null) { fullscreenToggleElementTour2.addEventListener('click', toggleFullscreen); } $('#div_Marzipano').bind('drag', function () { $('.line').css({ 'width': '0px', 'height': '0px', 'background-color': '' }); screenfull.toggle(this); }) // DOM elements for view controls. //var viewUpElement = document.querySelector('#viewUp'); //var viewDownElement = document.querySelector('#viewDown'); //var viewLeftElement = document.querySelector('#viewLeft'); //var viewRightElement = document.querySelector('#viewRight'); // Dynamic parameters for controls. var velocity = 0.7; var friction = 3; // Associate view controls with elements. //controls.registerMethod('upElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewUpElement, 'y', -velocity, friction), true); //controls.registerMethod('downElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewDownElement, 'y', velocity, friction), true); //controls.registerMethod('leftElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewLeftElement, 'x', -velocity, friction), true); //controls.registerMethod('rightElement', new Marzipano.ElementPressControlMethod(viewRightElement, 'x', velocity, friction), true); $("#viewMap").click(function () { $('#marzimapPopUp').modal("show"); }); $('#pano').mousedown(function (e) { isMouseMove = true; if (isPreview == false && == true) { if (editMode.get() == "hide") { var parentOffset = $(this).parent().offset(); //var pressPosition = { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY } var pressPosition = { x: e.pageX - parentOffset.left, y: e.pageY - } var obj = view.screenToCoordinates(pressPosition); var position = { yaw: obj.yaw, pitch: obj.pitch, fov: view.fov() }; hotSpotCount += 1; addLineSpotOnPosition(position); var lineHeight = $('#txtWidth').val() == "" ? 5 : $('#txtWidth').val() == "0" ? 5 : $('#txtWidth').val(); var lineColor = $('#hdn_rowcolor').val(); var lineStyle = $('input[name=lineType]:checked').val(); if (hotSpotCount > 1) { //arrHotSpot.push({ 'point1':, 'point2':, 'lineId': lineId, 'point1Yaw': point1.yaw, 'point1Pitch': point1.pitch, 'point1Fov': point1.fov, 'point2Yaw': point2.yaw, 'point2Pitch': point2.pitch, 'point2Fov': point2.fov, 'lineHeight': lineHeight, 'lineBackColor': lineColor, 'lineStyle': lineStyle, isLineDraw: true }); var newLinePointArr = []; newLinePointArr.push({ point1Yaw: point1.yaw, point1Pitch: point1.pitch, point1Fov: point1.fov }); newLinePointArr = addLineHotSpotArray($('#' +, $('#' +, newLinePointArr); var point3 = { yaw: newLinePointArr[parseInt(newLinePointArr.length / 2)].point1Yaw, pitch: newLinePointArr[parseInt(newLinePointArr.length / 2)].point1Pitch, fov: newLinePointArr[parseInt(newLinePointArr.length / 2)].point1Fov, }; addNewLinePoint(point3, HspotIndex, lineId, 2); newLinePointArr.push({ point1Yaw: point2.yaw, point1Pitch: point2.pitch, point1Fov: point2.fov }); //linepointspots = linepointspots.concat(newLinePointArr); arrHotSpot.push({ 'point1':, 'point2':, 'lineId': lineId, 'point1Yaw': point1.yaw, 'point1Pitch': point1.pitch, 'point1Fov': point1.fov, 'point2Yaw': point2.yaw, 'point2Pitch': point2.pitch, 'point2Fov': point2.fov, 'point3Yaw': point3.yaw, 'point3Pitch': point3.pitch, 'point3Fov': point3.fov, 'lineHeight': lineHeight, 'lineBackColor': lineColor, 'lineStyle': lineStyle, isLineDraw: true }); drawSingleLine(point1, point2, lineId, lineHeight, lineColor, lineStyle, arrHotSpot.length - 1); isMouseMove = false; //drawLine(); } } else if (editMode.get() != 'hide') { $('.circle').remove() } } }); //=============== Color Picker if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf('dynamicdroneviewbank.aspx') > -1 || window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf('droneviewpoi.aspx') > -1 || window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf('createdroneview.aspx') > -1) { $('#colorSelector').ColorPicker({ color: '#0000ff', onShow: function (colpkr) { $(colpkr).fadeIn(500); return false; }, onHide: function (colpkr) { $(colpkr).fadeOut(500); return false; }, onChange: function (hsb, hex, rgb) { $('#divLineColor').css('backgroundColor', '#' + hex); $('#hdn_rowcolor').val('#' + hex); } }); } 'use strict'; (function () { function EditMode() { var self = this; this.shiftPressed = false; this.ctrlPressed = false; window.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { var previousEditMode = self.get(); if (e.keyCode === 16) { self.shiftPressed = true; } if (e.keyCode === 17) { self.ctrlPressed = true; } if (self.get() !== previousEditMode) { self.emit('changed'); } }); window.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) { var previousEditMode = self.get(); if (e.keyCode === 16) { self.shiftPressed = false; } if (e.keyCode === 17) { self.ctrlPressed = false; } if (self.get() !== previousEditMode) { self.emit('changed'); } }); window.addEventListener('blur', function () { var previousEditMode = self.get(); self.shiftPressed = false; self.ctrlPressed = false; if (self.get() !== previousEditMode) { self.emit('changed'); } }); } Marzipano.dependencies.eventEmitter(EditMode); EditMode.prototype.get = function () { if (this.shiftPressed) { return 'hide'; } else if (this.ctrlPressed) { return 'show'; } else { return false; } } window.editMode = new EditMode(); })(); //$(document).ready(function () { // if (skinid() != 52) { // $("#info_popUp").click(function () { // $("#info_popUp").hide(); // }); // } // else { $('.infocloseIcon').hide(); } // $("#info_popUpFast").click(function () { // $("#info_popUpFast").hide(); // }); //}); var autorotateToggleElement = document.querySelector('#autorotateToggles'); if (viewSnipper() != true) { if (pageName.toLowerCase().indexOf("tour.aspx") > -1) { if (toureSkinType == 2) { autorotateToggleElement = document.querySelector('#autorotateTogglesTour2'); } } // Set up autorotate, if enabled. if ([0].isrestrictview == true) { autorotate = Marzipano.autorotate({ yawSpeed: 0.03, targetPitch: null }); } else { autorotate = Marzipano.autorotate({ yawSpeed: 0.03, targetPitch: null, targetFov: Math.PI / 2 }); } if (settings.autorotateEnabled) { autorotateToggleElement.classList.add('enabled'); } if (autorotateToggleElement != null) { autorotateToggleElement.addEventListener('click', toggleAutorotate); } } if (allowPanoClick == true) { if (autorotateToggleElement != undefined) { var panoQuery = document.querySelector('#pano'); if (panoQuery != null) { if (mql.matches) { panoQuery.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { autorotateToggleElement.classList.remove('enabled'); stopAutorotate(); }); } else { panoQuery.addEventListener('click', function () { autorotateToggleElement.classList.remove('enabled'); stopAutorotate(); }); $('#pano').dblclick(function (e) { autorotateToggleElement.classList.add('enabled'); startAutorotate(); }) } } } } $('#pano').mouseup(function (e) { isMouseMove = false; if (isPreview == false && == true) { if (editMode.get() != 'hide' && hotSpotCount > 0) { //arrPoly.push({ arrHotSpot: arrHotSpot }); hotSpotCount = 0; //arrHotSpot = []; //drawLine(); } else if (editMode.get() != 'hide') { drawLine(); } } }); } // Display scene. function displayMarzipanoView() { if (typeof viewer != 'undefined') { viewer.destroy(); } viewer = new Marzipano.Viewer(document.getElementById('pano'), { stage: { preserveDrawingBuffer: true } }); view = new Marzipano.RectilinearView(initialView, limiter); scene = viewer.createScene({ source: source, geometry: geometry, view: view, pinFirstLevel: true }); scene.switchTo(); //loadDetail(); } function toggleFullscreen() { $('#div_Marzipano').trigger('drag'); } var viewerElement = document.getElementById('pano'); //============== hotspot region starts hear ============ var point1 = {}; var point2 = {}; var lineId = null; var arrPoly = []; var arrHotSpot = []; var linepointspots = []; var hotSpotCount = 0; var editMode = window.editMode; function getImageUrl(ImageName) { var imagedetail = {}; if (ImageName.lastIndexOf('2D') > 0) { ImageName = ImageName.replace('2D', ''); } $.each(, function (index, HotSpotImageData) { if ( == ImageName) { imagedetail.imageSrc = SkinBaseUrl() + "images/" + HotSpotImageData.imageName; imagedetail.imageHeight = HotSpotImageData.imageHeight; imagedetail.imageWidth = HotSpotImageData.imageWidth; imagedetail.imageName =; return false; } }) return imagedetail; } function closeVideo() { $('#videoContainer_iframe').attr('src', ''); $('#videoContainer1').hide(); } function close2DTour() { $('#2DContainer_iframe').attr('src', ''); $('#div2DContainer').hide(); } function popUpVideo(video, hptspotId) { if (video.toLowerCase().indexOf('twodtour.aspx') > -1) {//This is to adjust the iframe width and height. $('#2DContainer_iframe').attr('src', video); $('#div2DContainer').show(); if (mobile1.matches == 1) { window.setTimeout(function () { const $elem = $("#div2DContainer"); var hei = $('#2DContainer_iframe').contents().find('body').height() + 15; $elem[0].style.setProperty('height', hei + 'px', 'important'); }, 1000); } } else { $('#videoContainer_iframe').attr('src', video); $('#videoContainer1').show();//css('style', 'position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform-origin: 50% 50% 0px; z-index:99999; transition: none; visibility:inherit;'); $('#videoContainer_iframe').removeClass('tourinvideo'); } if (video.indexOf('fastout') > -1) {//to add fake class to get whether tour or vr-photo is added in video hotspot $('#videoContainer_iframe').addClass('tourinvideo'); } autorotateToggleElement.classList.remove('enabled'); stopAutorotate(); return false; } function popUp2DTour(url) { $('#2DContainer_iframe').attr('src', url); $('#div2DContainer').show();//css('style', 'position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform-origin: 50% 50% 0px; z-index:99999; transition: none; visibility:inherit;'); if (mobile1.matches == 1) { window.setTimeout(function () { const $elem = $("#div2DContainer"); var hei = $('#2DContainer_iframe').contents().find('body').height() + 15; $elem[0].style.setProperty('height', hei + 'px', 'important'); }, 1000); } autorotateToggleElement.classList.remove('enabled'); stopAutorotate(); return false; } function popUpComments(commentsImageName, text, hptspotId) { $('.commentsdiv').remove(); var commentsDivId = "comments_" + hotspotId; $("div").remove('#' + commentsDivId); //var Wrapper = "
" + text + "
"; //$(hptspotId).parent().append(Wrapper); var commentsDivId = '
'; commentsDivId += '
'; commentsDivId += text; commentsDivId += '
'; //if (viewSnipper() == true) { // commentsDivId += '
'; //} else { commentsDivId += '
'; //} //commentsDivId += ''; //if (pageName.toLowerCase().indexOf("previewtour.aspx") == -1) { commentsDivId += ''; //} //else { // commentsDivId += ''; //} commentsDivId += '
'; commentsDivId += '
'; $(hptspotId).parent().append(commentsDivId); } function openPopupInfo() { $("#divScreenShot").modal("show"); } //=============== Draw line =========== function lineDistance(x, y, x0, y0) { return Math.sqrt((x -= x0) * x + (y -= y0) * y); }; function drawLine() { if (isMouseMove == false) { if (arrHotSpot.length > 0) { $.each(arrHotSpot, function (indexHotspot, hotspotData) { //if (hotspotData.isLineDraw == false) { //var pointA = $('#' + hotspotData.point1).offset(); //var pointB = $('#' + hotspotData.point2).offset(); //if (pointB.left != 0 && != 0 && pointA.left != 0 && != 0) { // stopAutorotate(); drawSingleLine({ id: hotspotData.point1, fov: hotspotData.point1Fov, yaw: hotspotData.point1Yaw, pitch: hotspotData.point1Pitch }, { id: hotspotData.point2, fov: hotspotData.point2Fov, yaw: hotspotData.point2Yaw, pitch: hotspotData.point2Pitch }, hotspotData.lineId, hotspotData.lineHeight, hotspotData.lineBackColor, hotspotData.lineStyle, indexHotspot) //startAutorotate(); //} //} }); } } } function drawSingleLine(a, b, lineId, lineHeight, lineColor, lineStyle, lineIndex) { if (typeof a != 'undefined' & typeof b != 'undefined') { //var a = $('.info-hotspot-icon')[index - 1], b = $('.info-hotspot-icon')[index] var line = $("#" + lineId); var pointA = $('#' +; var pointB = $('#' +; //var canvasWidth = $('#pano').offset().left + $('#pano').width(); //var canvasHeight = $('#pano').offset().top + $('#pano').height(); if (typeof pointA != 'undefined' && typeof pointB != 'undefined' && pointA != null && pointB != null) { if ($('#' +'display') != 'none' || $('#' +'display') != 'none') { try { var angle = Math.atan2( -, pointB.left - pointA.left) * 180 / Math.PI; var distance = lineDistance(pointA.left,, pointB.left,; if ($('#' +'display') == 'none' || <= 10 || pointA.left > 8000) { var newpoint = getNextPointOnScreen($($('#' +'div')[0]).attr('id')); if (typeof newpoint == 'undefined') { angle = undefined; } else { pointA = $('#' + newpoint).offset(); = newpoint; angle = Math.atan2( -, pointB.left - pointA.left) * 180 / Math.PI; } } else if ($('#' +'display') == 'none' || <= 10 || pointB.left > 8000) { var newpoint = getNextPointOnScreen($($('#' +'div')[0]).attr('id')) if (typeof newpoint == 'undefined') { angle = undefined; } else { pointB = $('#' + newpoint).offset(); = newpoint; line = $('#' +'div')[1]; newLineId = ''; angle = Math.atan2( -, pointB.left - pointA.left) * 180 / Math.PI; } //angle -= 180; } else { var newpoint = getNextPointOnScreen(lineId) $($('#' +'div')[1]).css({ 'border': '0px', 'width': 0, 'background-color': '' }); $('#' + newpoint).css({ 'border': '0px', 'width': 0, 'background-color': '' }); } if ($('#' +'display') != 'none' && $('#' +'display') != 'none' && angle != undefined) { var pointAcenterX = $('#' + / 2; var pointAcenterY = $('#' + / 2; var pointBcenterX = $('#' + / 2; var pointBcenterY = $('#' + / 2; var distance = lineDistance(pointA.left,, pointB.left,; // Set Angle if (distance <= 15000) { $(line).css('transform', 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)'); // Set Width $(line).css('width', distance + 'px'); $(line).css({ 'border-top': lineHeight + 'px ' + lineStyle + ' ' + lineColor }); // Set Position $(line).css('position', 'absolute'); //$(line).offset({ top: + pointAcenterY, left: pointA.left + pointAcenterX }); if (angle < 0 && pointB.left > pointA.left) { $(line).offset({ top: + pointAcenterY, left: pointA.left + pointAcenterX }); $(line).offset({ top: + pointAcenterY, left: pointA.left + pointAcenterX }); } else if (angle < 0 && pointB.left < pointA.left) { $(line).offset({ top: + pointAcenterY, left: pointB.left + pointAcenterX }); $(line).offset({ top: + pointAcenterY, left: pointB.left + pointAcenterX }); } else if (pointB.left < pointA.left) { $(line).offset({ top: + pointAcenterY, left: pointB.left + pointBcenterX }); $(line).offset({ top: + pointAcenterY, left: pointB.left + pointBcenterX }); } else { $(line).offset({ top: + pointAcenterY, left: pointA.left + pointAcenterX }); $(line).offset({ top: + pointAcenterY, left: pointA.left + pointAcenterX }); } } } else { $(line).css({ 'border': '0px', 'width': 0, 'background-color': '' }); } } catch (e) { } } else { $(line).css({ 'border': '0px', 'width': 0, 'background-color': '' }); } } else { $(line).css({ 'border': '0px', 'width': 0, 'background-color': '' }); } } } function addLineHotSpotArray(pointA, pointB, newLinePointArr) { if (pointB.left != 0 && != 0 && pointA.left != 0 && != 0) { var parentOffset = $('#pano').offset(); var p1 = {}, p2 = {}; if (pointA.left > pointB.left) { p2 = { 'x': pointA.left - parentOffset.left, 'y': - }; p1 = { 'x': pointB.left - parentOffset.left, 'y': - }; } else { p1 = { 'x': pointA.left - parentOffset.left, 'y': - }; p2 = { 'x': pointB.left - parentOffset.left, 'y': - }; } var pxd = p2.x - p1.x; var pyd = p2.y - p1.y; var steps = Math.max(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); var coords = []; var dotcount = 1; for (var i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { var pressPosition = { x: p1.x += pxd / steps, y: p1.y += pyd / steps } var obj = view.screenToCoordinates(pressPosition); var position = { yaw: obj.yaw, pitch: obj.pitch, fov: view.fov() }; hotSpotCount += 1; newLinePointArr.push({ point1Yaw: obj.yaw, point1Pitch: obj.pitch, point1Fov: view.fov() }); } } return newLinePointArr; } var cnt = 1; var newLineId = '' //============ hot spot region ============== function addSpotOnPosition(target, hotspoturl, sceneId, marzipanoHotspot, showIcon, isLast, customClassName, layerId) { var iconWrapper = document.createElement('div'); 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} } if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("picture") > -1) { if (mql.matches) { //if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iphone") == -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad") == -1) { var hotspotQuery = document.querySelector('#reveal_' + hotspotId); hotspotQuery.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { $('.info-hotspot-icon-wrapper').css('z-index', '9999'); $(this).parent().css('z-index', '99999'); // for android only if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iphone") == -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad") == -1) { //$(this).hasClass('hovered') == false ? $(this).addClass('hovered') : $(this).removeClass('hovered'); if ($(this).hasClass('hovered') == false) { $('.reveal').removeClass('hovered'); $(this).addClass('hovered'); } else { $('.reveal').removeClass('hovered'); } } }); //} } else { $('.reveal').mouseover(function () { $('.info-hotspot-icon-wrapper').css('z-index', '9999'); $(this).parent().css('z-index', '99999'); }); } //iconTitleStyle += " position:relative; padding:1px 6px;" //$('#' + hotspotId + '_title').attr('style', iconTitleStyle); resetHotspotPosition(hotspotId, imagedetail); } if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("Video") > -1 || marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("Droneview") > -1 || marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("Vr") > -1) { if (mql.matches) { var hotspotQuery = document.querySelector('#' + hotspotId); hotspotQuery.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { return popUpVideo(hotspoturl, this); }); var divanimation = $('#' + hotspotId).parent().find('.hotspot-outer'); $(divanimation).on('touchstart', function () { return popUpVideo(hotspoturl, this); }); if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("hs_Straight") > -1) { var hotspotQuery = document.querySelector('#' + hotspotId + '_title'); hotspotQuery.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { return popUpVideo(hotspoturl, this); }); } } else { $('#' + hotspotId).click(function () { return popUpVideo(hotspoturl, this); }); $('#' + hotspotId).parent().find('.hotspot-outer').click(function () { return popUpVideo(hotspoturl, this); 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}); if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("hs_Straight") > -1) { $('#' + hotspotId + '_title').css("cursor", "pointer"); $('#' + hotspotId + '_title').click(function () { return popUp2DTour(hotspoturl); }); } } } else if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.toLowerCase().indexOf("comment") > -1) { if (mql.matches) { var hotspotQuery = document.querySelector('#' + hotspotId); hotspotQuery.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { return popUpComments(marzipanoHotspot.imagePath, hotspoturl, this) }); var divanimation = $('#' + hotspotId).parent().find('.hotspot-outer'); $(divanimation).on('touchstart', function () { return popUpComments(marzipanoHotspot.imagePath, hotspoturl, this) }); if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("hs_Straight") > -1) { var hotspotQuery = document.querySelector('#' + hotspotId + '_title'); hotspotQuery.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { return popUpComments(marzipanoHotspot.imagePath, hotspoturl, this) }); } } else { $('#' + hotspotId).click(function () { $(".info-hotspot-icon-wrapper").addClass('index-minus'); 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newurl += "&domainrefurl=" + $('#hdnRefereurl').val(); hotspoturl = newurl; } } var win =, target); if (win) { win.focus(); } else { ////Browser has blocked it window.location.href = hotspoturl; } }); var divanimation = $('#' + hotspotId).parent().find('.hotspot-outer'); $(divanimation).on('touchstart', function () { if ($('#hdnRefereurl').val() != undefined && $('#hdnRefereurl').val() != '') { if ((hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1) || (hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1)) { var newurl = getLongUrl(hotspoturl); newurl += "&domainrefurl=" + $('#hdnRefereurl').val(); hotspoturl = newurl; } } var win =, target); if (win) { win.focus(); } else { ////Browser has blocked it window.location.href = hotspoturl; } }); if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("hs_Straight") > -1) { var hotspotQuery = document.querySelector('#' + hotspotId + '_title'); hotspotQuery.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { if ($('#hdnRefereurl').val() != undefined && $('#hdnRefereurl').val() != '') { if ((hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1) || (hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1)) { var newurl = getLongUrl(hotspoturl); newurl += "&domainrefurl=" + $('#hdnRefereurl').val(); hotspoturl = newurl; } } var win =, target); if (win) { win.focus(); } else { ////Browser has blocked it window.location.href = hotspoturl; } }); } } else { $('#' + hotspotId).click(function () { if ($('#hdnRefereurl').val() != undefined && $('#hdnRefereurl').val() != '') { if ((hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1) || (hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1)) { var newurl = getLongUrl(hotspoturl); newurl += "&domainrefurl=" + $('#hdnRefereurl').val(); hotspoturl = newurl; } }, target); }); $('#' + hotspotId).parent().find('.hotspot-outer').click(function () { if ($('#hdnRefereurl').val() != undefined && $('#hdnRefereurl').val() != '') { if ((hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1) || (hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1)) { var newurl = getLongUrl(hotspoturl); newurl += "&domainrefurl=" + $('#hdnRefereurl').val(); hotspoturl = newurl; } }, target); }); if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("hs_Straight") > -1) { $('#' + hotspotId + '_title').css("cursor", "pointer"); $('#' + hotspotId + '_title').click(function () { if ($('#hdnRefereurl').val() != undefined && $('#hdnRefereurl').val() != '') { if ((hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1) || (hotspoturl.toLowerCase().indexOf('') > -1)) { var newurl = getLongUrl(hotspoturl); newurl += "&domainrefurl=" + $('#hdnRefereurl').val(); hotspoturl = newurl; } }, target); }); } } } else if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("hs_hview") > -1 || marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid != undefined) { if (mql.matches) { var hotspotQuery; //if (toureSkinType == 2 && viewtype == 1 && marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf('hs_hview') > -1) { if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf('hs_hviewIndoor') > -1) { hotspotQuery = document.querySelector('#' + hotspotId + ' div'); } else { hotspotQuery = document.querySelector('#' + hotspotId); } if (marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid != undefined) { hotspotQuery.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { isHotspotClick = true; getPanoramaDetail(marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid); }); } if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("hs_Straight") > -1) { var hotspotQuery = document.querySelector('#' + hotspotId + '_title'); hotspotQuery.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { isHotspotClick = true; getPanoramaDetail(marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid); }); } } else { //if (toureSkinType == 2 && viewtype == 1 && marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf('hs_hview') > -1) { if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf('hs_hviewIndoor') > -1) { if (marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid != undefined) { $('#' + hotspotId + ' div').click(function () { isHotspotClick = true; getPanoramaDetail(marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid); }); if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("hs_Straight") > -1) { $('#' + hotspotId + '_title').css("cursor", "pointer"); $('#' + hotspotId + '_title').click(function () { isHotspotClick = true; getPanoramaDetail(marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid); }); } } } else { if (marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid != undefined) { $('#' + hotspotId).css("cursor", "pointer"); $('#' + hotspotId).click(function () { isHotspotClick = true; getPanoramaDetail(marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid); }); if (marzipanoHotspot.imagePath.indexOf("hs_Straight") > -1) { $('#' + hotspotId + '_title').css("cursor", "pointer"); $('#' + hotspotId + '_title').click(function () { isHotspotClick = true; getPanoramaDetail(marzipanoHotspot.destinationpanoguid); }); } } } } } //resetRightLevelPosition(); return marzipanoHotspot; } function getLongUrl(shortUrl) { if (shortUrl != "") { var url = 'api/tourpreview/GetLongUrlForTour?shortUrl=' + shortUrl; var response = MakeSyncWebCall(url, '', "Get"); return response; } } function addNewHotSpot(target, hotspoturl, sceneId, marzipanoHotspot, customClassName, layerId) { marzipanoHotspot = addSpotOnPosition(target, hotspoturl, sceneId, marzipanoHotspot, true, false, customClassName, layerId); HspotIndex += 1; return marzipanoHotspot; } function getNextPointOnScreen(lineId) { if ($($('.' + lineId)[0]).css('display') != 'none') { return $($('.' + lineId)[0]).attr("id"); } } function addNewLineHotSpot(sceneId, marzipanoHotspot, lineHeight, lineColor, lineId, isAddedArray) { var iconWrapper = document.createElement('div'); iconWrapper.classList.add('info-hotspot-icon-wrapper'); iconWrapper.classList.add(lineId); var wrapperId = "hotspoticonwrapper_" + marzipanoHotspot.HspotIndex; iconWrapper.setAttribute("id", wrapperId); marzipanoHotspot.wrapperId = wrapperId; //var hs = 'z-index:9999; background-color:' + lineColor + '; height:' + lineHeight + 'px; width:' + lineHeight + 'px;'; //iconWrapper.setAttribute('style', hs); sceneId.hotspotContainer().createHotspot(iconWrapper, marzipanoHotspot.position); if (isAddedArray == false) { linepointspots.push({ point1Yaw: marzipanoHotspot.position.yaw, point1Pitch: marzipanoHotspot.position.pitch, point1Fov: marzipanoHotspot.position.fov, lineId: lineId, lineHeight: lineHeight, lineBackColor: lineColor, lineId: lineId, lineStyle: 'solid' }); } return marzipanoHotspot; } function addLineSpotOnPosition(position, layerId) { $('.circle').remove(); var iconWrapper = document.createElement('div'); iconWrapper.classList.add('info-hotspot-icon-wrapper'); var wrapperId = "Linehotspoticonwrapper_" + HspotIndex; iconWrapper.setAttribute("id", wrapperId); wrapperId = wrapperId; //var hs = 'z-index:9999;'; //iconWrapper.setAttribute('style', hs); if (isPreview != true) { var childLabel = document.createElement('div'); childLabel.classList.add('circle'); iconWrapper.appendChild(childLabel); } var childDiv = document.createElement('div'); childDiv.classList.add('line'); var hs1 = 'clear:both;'; childDiv.setAttribute('style', hs1); lineId = "LineDivLine_" + HspotIndex; childDiv.setAttribute("id", lineId); iconWrapper.appendChild(childDiv); var childDiv = document.createElement('div'); childDiv.classList.add('line'); childDiv.setAttribute("id", "LineDivLine_" + HspotIndex + "_B"); iconWrapper.appendChild(childDiv); if (layerId == undefined) { scene.hotspotContainer().createHotspot(iconWrapper, position); } else { if (layerId == "") { var _hotspotContainer = new Marzipano.HotspotContainer(viewer._controlContainer, viewer._stage, view, viewer._renderLoop, { rect: layerId.effects().rect }); _hotspotContainer.createHotspot(iconWrapper, position); } else { var _hotspotContainerRight = new Marzipano.HotspotContainer(viewer._controlContainer, viewer._stage, view, viewer._renderLoop, { rect: layerId.effects().rect }); _hotspotContainerRight.createHotspot(iconWrapper, position); } } if (hotSpotCount == 1) { = wrapperId; point1.yaw = position.yaw; point1.pitch = position.pitch; point1.fov = position.fov; } else if (hotSpotCount == 2) { = wrapperId; point2.yaw = position.yaw; point2.pitch = position.pitch; point2.fov = position.fov; } else { =; point1.yaw = point2.yaw; point1.pitch = point2.pitch; point1.fov = point2.fov; = wrapperId; point2.yaw = position.yaw; point2.pitch = position.pitch; point2.fov = position.fov; } HspotIndex += 1; isUnsavedDataWarning = true; } function addNewLinePoint(position, HspotIndex, lineId, index, layerId) { var iconWrapper = document.createElement('div'); iconWrapper.classList.add('info-hotspot-icon-wrapper'); iconWrapper.classList.add(lineId); var wrapperId = "Linehotspoticonwrapper_" + HspotIndex + "_" + index; iconWrapper.setAttribute("id", wrapperId); wrapperId = wrapperId; //var hs = 'z-index:9999;'; //iconWrapper.setAttribute('style', hs); iconWrapper.setAttribute('index', index); var childDiv = document.createElement('div'); childDiv.classList.add('line'); //lineId = "LineDivLine_" + HspotIndex; childDiv.setAttribute("id", lineId + '_' + index); iconWrapper.appendChild(childDiv); //var icon = document.createElement('img'); //icon.src = 'images/blue_droneview.png'; //icon.classList.add('info-hotspot-icon'); //iconWrapper.appendChild(icon); if (layerId == undefined) { scene.hotspotContainer().createHotspot(iconWrapper, position); } else { if (layerId == "") { var _hotspotContainer = new Marzipano.HotspotContainer(viewer._controlContainer, viewer._stage, view, viewer._renderLoop, { rect: layerId.effects().rect }); _hotspotContainer.createHotspot(iconWrapper, position); } else { var _hotspotContainerRight = new Marzipano.HotspotContainer(viewer._controlContainer, viewer._stage, view, viewer._renderLoop, { rect: layerId.effects().rect }); _hotspotContainerRight.createHotspot(iconWrapper, position); } } } function getLoweredPageName() { var pagename = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).toLowerCase(); if (pagename.indexOf("?") > -1) { pagename = pagename.split("?")[0]; } return pagename; } var sniperHotspotnew = null; function addSniperHotSpot() { var parent = $('#pano'); var position = { yaw: view.yaw(), pitch: view.pitch(), fov: view.fov() }; if (viewSnipper() == true && sniperHotspotnew == null) { sniperHotspotnew = document.createElement('img'); sniperHotspotnew.src = SkinBaseUrl() + 'images/sniper.png'; sniperHotspotnew.setAttribute('id', "sniperHotspotnew"); sniperHotspotnew.setAttribute('style', 'display:none'); $('#pano').append(sniperHotspotnew); if (typeof (role) != 'undefined') { if (role == "0" && getLoweredPageName() == "dynamicdroneviewbank.aspx") { $('#pano').append('
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} viewer.startMovement(autorotate); } } function stopAutorotate() { if (isHotspotClick == undefined || isHotspotClick == false) { viewer.stopMovement(); viewer.setIdleMovement(Infinity); } isHotspotClick = false; } function toggleAutorotate() { if (autorotateToggleElement != undefined) { if (autorotateToggleElement.classList.contains('enabled')) { autorotateToggleElement.classList.remove('enabled'); stopAutorotate(); } else { autorotateToggleElement.classList.add('enabled'); startAutorotate(); } } } function exportImage() { var colorCanvas = scene.hotspotContainer().source().asset().element(); var width = colorCanvas.width; var height = colorCanvas.height; var merged = document.createElement('canvas'); merged.width = width; merged.height = height; var ctx = merged.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(colorCanvas, 0, 0); ctx.drawImage(bwCanvas, 0, 0); var data = merged.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 85);; } function updateCompass() { var panDiff = $('#hdn_panNorth').val(); var pan = ((-1) * (view.yaw() * 180) / 3.14159) - panDiff; var compassAngle = (-1.0 * (1 * pan + 0)); $('#divCompassNiddle').css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left': '-1px', 'top': '-2px', 'width': '83px', 'height': '83px', 'transform': 'rotate(' + compassAngle + 'deg)' }); } function setinfo_popUpPosition() { if (skinid() == "7") { $('.infocloseIcon').css({ 'left': '-30px', 'top': '5px' }); $("#span_contactNo").html('Click here for more information'); $("#info_popUp").modal('show'); } else if (skinid() == "52" || skinid() == "53") { $('.infocloseIcon').hide(); } } function stopTouchAndScrollEventPropagation(element, eventList) { var eventList = ['touchstart', 'drag', 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel', 'wheel', 'mousewheel']; for (var i = 0; i < eventList.length; i++) { element.addEventListener(eventList[i], function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); } } function checkIframRequest() { try { if (window.self != && mql.matches == true && == false) { return true; } } catch (e) { return false; } return false; } function closepopUpFreemium() { $('#info_popUpFreemium').modal('hide'); 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